California Eggnog Mint Chip
ingredients ;
1.soda 2.candy cane 3.Coolhaus Dirty Mint Chip 4.eggnog california sunshine
Mix the eggnog and club soda in a large bowl.
Scoop the ice cream into the mixture and stir.
Dip the rim of a glass into water and then into crushed candy canes. Pour punch into glass, add a candy-cane straw and enjoy!
Author: Madam Villa
California Eggnog Mint Chip
Grade A Egg Nog Ultra-Pasteurized
California Sunshine 946ml
Soda Bottle
Leo 325ml
Soda Water
Soda Leo 24 x 325ml
฿ 51 -5%
Soda Water
Rock Mountain 6 x 325ml
Soda Water
Rock Mountain 325ml
Soda Water
Singha 325ml
Soda Water
Singha 24 x 325ml
Soda Water
Singha 6 x 325ml
Tipple Candy Canes
Mr.Stanley's 250g
Candy Peppermint Candy Cane
The Natural 168g