Avocado Honey Milk Matcha Green Tea Smoothie

Avocado Honey Milk Matcha Green Tea Smoothie
Avocado Honey Milk Matcha Green Tea Smoothie


  1. Avocado
  2. Kristy Golden Honey
  3. Green tea powder
  4. California Sunshine Nonfat Milk
  5. Ice

Method: Add 1 avocado, followed by Kristy Golden Honey as you like. Add 2 teaspoons of green tea powder and California Sunshine Nonfat Milk with a little ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into a glass, and pour in the milk foam. Sprinkle matcha green tea powder and it's ready to drink. For those who like it sweet and succulent, you can drizzle it with honey.

Author: Madam Villa