Baked Spinach with Cheese and Bacon

Baked Spinach with Cheese and Bacon
Baked Spinach with Cheese and Bacon


  1. Spinach
  2. Onion
  3. Ham
  4. Fresh milk
  5. Salted butter
  6. White pepper
  7. Bacon
  8. Monterey Jack Cheese Sliced

Cooking Method:

  1. Slice onion and ham into cubes.

  2. Heat a pan, add salted butter, followed by onions, ham, and spinach. Season with white pepper and fresh milk. Fry until the water is dry, then set aside.

  3. Arrange the bacon into long strips next to each other. Place the Monterey Jack cheese slices on it. When finished, put the filling that we have fried.

  4. Roll in a long round shape and bake or grill on a pan over low heat. Once the bacon is crispy, it's ready to serve!

Author: Madame Villa